My site re-included. Thanks For your prayers
I wish you could see the smile on my face. This is because my site has been re-included in the google index. You remember my previous posts about my site being entirely de-indexed.
I think I should be grateful to the guys at google.Who ever is responsible.
If any one from google indexing team can read this post,please tell all your colleagues that I the owner of this blog is grateful for the fact that my site: has been re-included in google index after almost 2 months when over 30,000 of my pages were re-indexed. I am very great full. Now I would request you to rank my site.Give it a page rank so that I can start geting visitors from google search engine.
For my readers, I would like to inform you that now I will be back to business,posting valuable information on home business right here on this blog. I had temporary stoped posting so as I wait for google to re-include my site. The post here are complimenting my site. so since my site is back in google, be confident that I am going to post relevant information on home business at this blog almost every please come back every week to check out what is new and what home business tips I have for you.
Before I conclude this post, some of my readers have written asking me how I was able to have my site re-indexed by google. My answer to them and to you who might have experienced the same problem is this. Go to google sitemaps, open up a google sitemap account . Inside your account, you will find the instructions for a re-inclusion request and the guide line for webmasters.
To open up a google sitemaps account, go to:
Wish you the best.
home business
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